Thanks. i didn't engage in any of the fan blogs. I scoped some of them out but never posted. I kept looking for this one to return in some fashion or form.GoingCommando wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 12:41 pmSIP, mhd, and DWinzit are all here!? The gang is getting back together. Now we've gotta get KDawg back and find KB. A good bunch of us have made our way here, but there are a bunch of regulars still missing. It really sucks that we can't go back and look at the old draft threads so we can see a record of the names of the regulars there to help track them down.
I went searching for you SIP when I found out that ES had been started back up. I thought I found you in the Commanders discord channel, but I'd be kind of surprised if that was you. I tried posting in the Discord draft channel maybe like two times, and let's just say the discussion wasn't as substantive and rewarding as our conversations on ES have been.
My one recommendation is for mods to post on twitter that its back. I checked TK's feed and didn't notice anything unless I missed a post, ditto TSO. I figured the mods would give the cue so every now and then I'd look. I found it this time but going through Reddit and it lead me to this.
Good to be back and as always enjoy your posts tremendously on this thread. I missed that. lol, because I've not had to share takes about draft prospects just yet in my circle because no one among them care even among my friends who follow sports aside from the big prospects, QB etc., so I've mostly been compiling lots of stats first which I like to incorporate with my watching. But now the pressure is on me to do more watching versus compiling stats.

Yeah I need KB in part to defend his take that Sinnott > Bowers.