Do NFL players have to pay foreign income tax when they play games overseas? I know athletes are generally taxed in whatever state they are playing how is overseas tax handled?
Re: The Random Thought Thread (RTT)
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2025 6:07 pm
by ixcuincle
Re: The Random Thought Thread (RTT)
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 4:10 pm
by Chew
Had a nightmare last night that Philly won another superbowl. It was terrible. Woke up so relieved.
Re: The Random Thought Thread (RTT)
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:20 am
by Chew
Ancient video, but with America falling apart, it's been making the rounds on social media recently.
I want to believe that love, kindness, and compassion will always win, but having my doubts these days.
Re: The Random Thought Thread (RTT)
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:58 pm
by Emir of Schmoe
If you have Amazon Prime & a Whole Foods near you, tough to beat the Friday whole pizza with 1 topping $12 deal. It's gonna be our Friday go-to for a while...
Do NFL players have to pay foreign income tax when they play games overseas? I know athletes are generally taxed in whatever state they are playing how is overseas tax handled?
Just because they play a game oversees doesn’t mean their game check from their American employer is subject to foreign taxes.
Do NFL players have to pay foreign income tax when they play games overseas? I know athletes are generally taxed in whatever state they are playing how is overseas tax handled?
Just because they play a game oversees doesn’t mean their game check from their American employer is subject to foreign taxes.
I'd trust you over the internet but they disagree.
Conversely, games in the UK and Germany have the largest jock tax — levied at the full rate of 45%.
Do NFL players have to pay foreign income tax when they play games overseas? I know athletes are generally taxed in whatever state they are playing how is overseas tax handled?
Just because they play a game oversees doesn’t mean their game check from their American employer is subject to foreign taxes.
I'd trust you over the internet but they disagree.
Conversely, games in the UK and Germany have the largest jock tax — levied at the full rate of 45%.
I feel like this is very specific to pro sports. I live in VA and pay taxes in VA. My office is in DC and so 85% of my work is done outside of VA. I dont pay taxes other than federal and VA.