Sarge wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 12:49 pm
Jumbo wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 11:40 am
Getting back to the warrior mindset, instead of catering to confused men. I know this upsets liberals.
I've been ignoring your nonsense mostly, though you keep quoting me and playing your little shtick.
"Warrior mindset" mean keyboard warriors?
Frankly, bluntly, your comments over the years have almost never bore much relation to any generally intelligent or decent (in all definitions of the word) form of conservatism.
Personally, I generally like intelligent and decent conservatism.
I've been a registered independent since my first vote in 72. Voted for several gop presidents, inc. both bushes (all candidates have had serious flaws to me) and have been less invested in a candidates party up and down a ballot than to his words and deeds.
Now, in trump/maga world, it's hard for me to support the gop at all, anywhere, though I still have a lot of issues with the Dem party, too. But right now there's no contest in who I favor there so have to be clear about that.
But I am more in line with an Adam Kizinger, among others, who I've been celebrating since he first went to Congress. I certainly like his version of gop/conservative infinitely more than this current dominant manifestation of maga and those who find cause to support trump.
The extremes of both wings of our political dodo bird are replete with failings, but it's hard to get lower than the version of "the right wing" you present.
Your animated and unfailing embrace of "alternate facts", use of garbage sources, perpetual trolling, terminal hypocrisy, and of course the multiple examples of outright bigotry and racism that were common features of your content on ES before that kind of crap (from right or left keyboard kommando klowns) finally started to get dealt with there, is simply a toxic detriment to a better society imv.
The fumigation of that kind of rancid crap from ES certainly yielded vastly improved conversations for intelligent conservatives, moderates, liberals, and all the other "labels."
However, while I'm at it, I kinda feel like congratulating you on your choice of using the term "middle easterners" in a post where you were railing about the kind of people European countries were letting in, while we were giving those allies financial support in service to our strategic interests.
Using the term "middle easterners", while still suggesting your likely leanings on certain matters, is a vast improvement over terms like "towel heads" from the "turd world", which were two of your favorites phrases (among many other bigoted, racist, and other "ism-issues") you routinely posted in early ES days.
I hope you experience some (what I would call) growth in your views someday. It's an option available to all of us and I include myself and am ever mindful to challenge my own positions.
But you are done here. You went way out of the way from the start to show why you got booted from forums in the past, and contributed to at least one forum deciding to just close down political discussions entirely. I wish wellness for you.