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Re: Senate votes to confirm Trump's pick for FBI director by narrow margin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 12:55 pm
by Sarge
Uh huh

Re: Senate votes to confirm Trump's pick for FBI director by narrow margin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 1:05 pm
by Sarge
See, they weren't fired, just moved to the butthole of the Bureau in Alabama.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) newly appointed Director Kash Patel is planning to relocate up to 1,000 agency employees from Washington to field offices and move an additional 500 to a large bureau facility in Huntsville in Alabama, reported news agency AP. ... 14937.html

Re: Senate votes to confirm Trump's pick for FBI director by narrow margin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 2:28 pm
by PeterMP
Sarge wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 1:05 pm
See, they weren't fired, just moved to the butthole of the Bureau in Alabama.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) newly appointed Director Kash Patel is planning to relocate up to 1,000 agency employees from Washington to field offices and move an additional 500 to a large bureau facility in Huntsville in Alabama, reported news agency AP. ... 14937.html
So do you agree with this move or not? Do you want it gutted or not?

(I suspect they aren't firing a lot of people because they are being sued for originally trying/suggesting that the first few people they tried to fire. ... 6-layoffs/)

Re: Senate votes to confirm Trump's pick for FBI director by narrow margin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 3:08 pm
by Sarge
PeterMP wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 2:28 pm
Sarge wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 1:05 pm
See, they weren't fired, just moved to the butthole of the Bureau in Alabama.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) newly appointed Director Kash Patel is planning to relocate up to 1,000 agency employees from Washington to field offices and move an additional 500 to a large bureau facility in Huntsville in Alabama, reported news agency AP. ... 14937.html
So do you agree with this move or not? Do you want it gutted or not?

(I suspect they aren't firing a lot of people because they are being sued for originally trying/suggesting that the first few people they tried to fire. ... 6-layoffs/)
HQ is full of Peter Strzoks and Lisa Pages, closet leftists with bad cases of TDS. Fire them, move them to Alabama or the Anchorage Field Office, or the high crime cites where they might remember they are supposed to be law enforcement officers. As it is, they sit around in DC and have their little off record meetings at the Capital Grill or the W and figure ways to impede their boss. And if they don't like it, they can resign. Personally, I think Patel should purge the entire 7th floor at HQ, and even clean house at some of the Field Offices.

Re: Senate votes to confirm Trump's pick for FBI director by narrow margin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 4:48 pm
by Jumbo
There's a lot of relevantly expert people, and just many millions of people in general, who notice a very strong trait of "projection"* among typical "right wing" discourse.

While shared by all humans, there is also no shortage of enormous levels of hypocrisy and resulting irony.

To that point, I get a real laugh out of maga minded types who love to use the braindead "TDS" thing like they it's some sort of witty slam.

It's really just moronic and lame, but also ironic.

If anyone, or group, are taking positions on trump that truly scream "deranged" thinking it's his supporters.

Even most of the pre-trump gop elected officials, and shakers and movers, seem to think most of the new wave of maga office holders are pretty regrettable in numerous ways.

But they have succumbed to the reality that this is the bulk of their base.

*There's been a lot of well executed work done on exploring common cognitive (which includes everything from "inward" philosophical, moral, and ethical constructs, to more concrete, pragmatic, operational constructs) and behavioral (actual "outward" actions taken and expression of thoughts/traits) in terms of how they manifest in people who strongly self-identify as politically conservative or liberal.

It is a much more studied field, for a much longer time, than many people might think.

It's pretty interesting stuff. A lot of experts in the field tend to not want to discuss it with laypeople.

But many high level players in the political arena pay serious attention to such work where "political science" overlaps with cognitive behavioral science.

A broad definition of a sub-genre of such stuff would be "Narrative Theory", which is a popular area for actual political candidates and partisan media leaders

Humorously, to me, Steve Bannon considers himself an expert on that aspect and claims credit for creating the current "politician form" of trump by exposing trump to the (genuine) power of skillfully creating and "selling" narratives.

Narratives (telling a story) don't have to be based on facts or "reality", but can be more "just made up" to paint a picture that appeals to people emotionally at deep levels in their consciousness.

Then you can more easily manipulate them if you're skillful enough. He's not wrong. 😐

Re: Senate votes to confirm Trump's pick for FBI director by narrow margin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 5:48 pm
by PeterMP
Sarge wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 3:08 pm
HQ is full of Peter Strzoks and Lisa Pages, closet leftists with bad cases of TDS. Fire them, move them to Alabama or the Anchorage Field Office, or the high crime cites where they might remember they are supposed to be law enforcement officers. As it is, they sit around in DC and have their little off record meetings at the Capital Grill or the W and figure ways to impede their boss. And if they don't like it, they can resign. Personally, I think Patel should purge the entire 7th floor at HQ, and even clean house at some of the Field Offices.
This is where your posts become ridiculous and realistically idiotic.

Let's start with the idea of a "closeted leftists". So if I'm leftists, work for the FBI, and openly advertise I'm a leftist is that okay? Or is it only an issue if I keep my political beliefs relatively private (like the vast majority of Americans do)? Are we concerned about closeted rightwingers in the FBI? In law enforcement in general? You say closest leftist like it's a bad thing, like an insult, but anybody that takes a second to think about what you're saying realizes it's just nonsense.

Next, there's no evidence that Strzoks is leftist. In several thousand texts, he wrote a handful that were critical of Trump. He wasn't critical of the larger Republican party, the Republican Congressional leadership (.e.g McConnel), other Republican Presidential candidates, or even ethically and intellectually bankrupt far right Supreme Court Justices like Thomas. He also sent texts that were critical of Sanders, and he co-wrote the original draft of the letter that Comey ended up going to Congress about the Clinton texts right before the election that likely lost her the election. All of the evidence supports that he's pretty centrist and maybe even center-right and like the majority of the American voters, was disgusted by Trump's behavior.

There's no evidence that he suffered any derangement with respect to Trump. It was a handful of text. It wasn't an every day thing. Despite having information that could have hurt Trump as a candidate and then later as President, there's no evidence that he acted deranged and did something stupid, illegal, or even unethical. Like the majority of the American voters in 2016, he didn't support Trump and he sent a few texts about it do his mistress. OMG so awful!

(And the US government ended up giving him $1.2 million dollars to settle his lawsuit. If anybody seemed to have been deranged about anybody it was Trump and appointees that ended up costing us over $2 million dollars (Pages got 800K) because a couple of people at the FBI didn't like him.)

Realistically, you waste more time for no reason (at least he was getting sex associated with his texts) bashing liberals on this page. Maybe you suffer from Liberal Derangement Sydrome.

Lastly, I suspect you know as many people that work for FBI headquarter that I do that worked for the Minneapolis police dept. You saying that FBI headquarters is filled with closet leftist carries as much weight as me saying that the George Floyd era Minneapolis police force was filled with closeted racists.

And really even less because even the people you do point to as being closeted leftist don't actually seem to be leftist.

Re: Senate votes to confirm Trump's pick for FBI director by narrow margin

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 8:21 pm
by TK
88Commanders00 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 12:32 pm
Spaceman Spiff wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:16 am
Haven't been on for about a week, and I get back on here and SARGE is here?
Jumbo has also agreed to be a mod. The master will return.