Freezing on me alreadyCorcaigh wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 5:58 pmTubi working OK so far for me. Fingers crossed as I don’t get Fox OTA.
Brad Pitt - was there a punchline?
Gameday Thread: League Edition
Wife making homemade chicken and veggies pizzas. Non-alcoholic drinks for me (my liver functions were a tad bit high on my last blood test so can't have any alcohol for a month before the redo of the blood test)
Anyway, I hope the Chiefs can contain Barkley or else it will be a long day, like it was for us. Rather have a three-peat than the stupid iggles getting their 2nd ring.
Like @Jumbo I watch all football games to the end.
Go Chiefs!

Anyway, I hope the Chiefs can contain Barkley or else it will be a long day, like it was for us. Rather have a three-peat than the stupid iggles getting their 2nd ring.
Like @Jumbo I watch all football games to the end.

Go Chiefs!
I thought Martha only moved like that when she's banging Snoop
It ain't what you don't know that's a problem. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.~~~Mark Twain